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Important Mental Skills Fencing Can Teach You
Fencing is a sport that requires speed, agility, strength, and toughness. However, what many people don't know is that there are other psychological aspects that follow. Some of the attributes that fencers learn from their sport can be transferred to real life and this article will present some of them:

3 Types of Positive Self-Talk to Calm Your Mind and Perform Better
If you have an inner voice that you use to talk to yourself, then you already use the famous mind tool of self-talk! Read the blog to know more about that tool and why it works to calm yourself and enhance your performance!

“I Didn’t Play Well! Now What?” 5 Mistakes to Avoid After a Bad Performance
Think about a time when you experienced a dissatisfying or bad performance during your training or competitions. What did you do? Find out if you did any of these 5 mistakes to avoid after a bad performance and how to deal with a bad performance!

Rejection in Sports: Steps To Bounce Back
Rejection: there will not be a single athlete in the world that won’t face this at some point in their careers. Often this can be the making or breaking of them in terms of being successful sportspeople. But how do the elite athletes positively cope with this? Here we take a look at some simple to execute steps that will help young athletes overcome this with maturity.