Use the search bar to find specific blogs targeted towards what you are looking for! Some words you could search for include motivation, stress, pressure, focus, meditation, performance, mindset, confidence, and team.

The Key to Performance: What we can learn from Marcus Rashford
Have you ever wondered what the key to optimal performance in sports is?

It's O.K. not to be O.K.
This blog explores how to embrace your feelings of not being okay and rising above, inspired by the story of Naomi Osaka.

Perfectionist? How to Let Go and Become Your Best.
There is often a blur between what people define as a ‘perfectionist’ and a ‘high achiever.’ This article explores such difference.

Becoming a Champion of the Court (but without the racket)
When you think about tennis, it may seem like a very physically demanding sport. However, while there are a lot of physical demands, there are also a lot of mental aspects that need to be trained as well. Read more to learn how winning your match actually depends on your mental toughness and less on your physical training.

Dealing With Fans For the First Time?
If you’re passionate about your sport, you may be thinking about the moment when you begin to play in front of hundreds, or even thousands of people. Don’t sweat it! Here are a few tips to deal with the pressure that a big crowd can create.

Being a Teenager in Sport: How to Deal With Difficult Teammates
Sometimes, it’s difficult to navigate through sports when your teammates aren’t the most supportive. Here are tips to help you in those types of situations.

How to Deal with Toxic Social Hierarchies in Sports
I was in drama club during high school and, oh boy, did it teach me much more than how to read basic sheet music and an eight count. I like to think I give everybody a fair shot when it comes to how I feel about them, but a lot of the things that went down were really over the line. Our club was kind of culty—after every show, we would have a cast party and initiate new members. In theory, this could be passed off as a light-hearted activity but in practice, it was weaponized to establish a toxic social atmosphere and completely redundant hierarchy.

Sport-Specific Coping Skills after a Setback
Stress from parents, coaches, or even yourself can build high expectations with no room for failure. But, everyone will experience some sort of setback, whether that be in sports or just in life. Here are some common struggles and ways to deal with them.

Why Sleeping Makes You a Better Athlete, Mentally & Physically
A good night’s sleep contributes to the quality of your day, it affects your mood and health in the long run. Moreover, sleep is essential to good performance in any type of sports. Continue reading to find out why!

How to Remain Interested in Team Sports
It can be hard to maintain interest in team sports, especially when you feel like your teammates and opponents are better than you. Here is some advice to help you cope with these issues!

Sports Psychology - A South Asian Take
Every South Asian kid has a common complaint against parenting. Want to know how that affects your beloved sports activities and the psychology that comes with it?

“I Didn’t Play Well! Now What?” 5 Mistakes to Avoid After a Bad Performance
Think about a time when you experienced a dissatisfying or bad performance during your training or competitions. What did you do? Find out if you did any of these 5 mistakes to avoid after a bad performance and how to deal with a bad performance!

What Should I do If I’m New At Sports?
“Just start doing sports” sounds easy, but at the end of the day, it’s tough. It becomes more complicated if you have no idea where and how to start. For example, do you know how to keep yourself motivated? These points will be addressed as well as champions golden rules to succeed in sports.

What Nobody Tells You About Social Skills & Mental Health in Sports
Did you know that your mental health is so important because it controls every important aspect of your life? As athletes, how well you work with people on your team, the opposing team, your coaches, and other people around you are all linked to your mental health state! I know, crazy right?! Let’s dive in on what this really means…

Listen to Music and Improve Your Game
Music and sports have always been connected. In this blog you will find out how exactly music influences your performance as an athlete and how it helped professional athletes in their career.

4 Tips on Balancing School and Sports
Managing your education and sports life can be difficult. Here are 4 tips that can help you to successfully balance these two important aspects of your life.

How Chess Helps Your Mentality in Conventional Sports
Did you know that chess and active sports share similar mental skills? Abilities like chunking, decision-making, and spatial skills can improve your performance in both types of sports, and here is how.

The Mental and Societal Pressures of Female Athletes
Why is the discrepancy between the dropout rate of males and female athletes so great? As the mind of a young female athlete develops, sociocultural factors such as eating disorders, lack of funding, and opportunity costs become the focus of the sport itself.