Use the search bar to find specific blogs targeted towards what you are looking for! Some words you could search for include motivation, stress, pressure, focus, meditation, performance, mindset, confidence, and team.

Rituals in Sport: Performance-enhancing or just Superstition?
People often joke about pre-game rituals, yet are they effective?

5 Tips For Keeping Your Head in the Game
Sports psychology doesn’t need to be complicated. Here are 5 quick and easy tips for improving your mental game!

The Power of Perseverance and Teamwork: From an Athlete's Perspective
Here I explain what I learned from my time as a varsity water polo player.

How Swim Team Changed My Outlook On Teamwork
Experiences have the power to change perspectives. Here, I explain how my experiences in swimming changed my perspective on teamwork.

The Importance of Sleep
Perhaps the greatest habit an athlete can build is one that requires no physical exertion. While seemingly contradictory, sleep and rest are equally if not more important than any level of training an athlete may do.

David Goggin’s Subjugation of Pain
What is the true driving force of endurance? According to ex-Navy SEAL, ultrarunner David Goggins, it is mental fortitude.

The Truth About Taking Time off Sports
The idea of taking time off from sports is often disliked by extremely competitive athletes. However, the key to preventing burnout in athletes is proper rest.

The Power of Composure: From an Athlete’s Perspective
The ability to maintain one’s composure is something that many athletes struggle with. Yet, there is power in staying composed.

What is Pain?
Understanding the human body can be very helpful for athletes in any sport. A particularly fascinating phenomenon concerning the human body is the idea of pain.

How do Learning and Memory Work?
From our youth, we learn many things from many subjects. But, what does learning actually mean? And how does the process truly work?

Making a Decision
Many have heard of Simon Biles’s decision to not compete in the vault and uneven bars apparatus finals, yet many have failed to consider the true depths of that decision.

What Sets The Elite From The Rest: An Interview with a Tennis Star
As they say, you are the Master of your Mind, it is you who should decide whether you want to remain unable to be motivated or unwilling to be satisfied. Rome was not built in a day; it burned faster than it was built. It takes years of practise, dedication and commitment to become an inspiration but it takes no time to lose everything.

Meditation and Mindfulness - An Athlete’s Guide to Positive Mental Health
Meditation and mindfulness are essential in everyday living. Not only do they benefit your normal thinking but such practices also open up more aspects of your life. The following is a guide on how to achieve the benefits of meditation and mindfulness.

3 Types of Positive Self-Talk to Calm Your Mind and Perform Better
If you have an inner voice that you use to talk to yourself, then you already use the famous mind tool of self-talk! Read the blog to know more about that tool and why it works to calm yourself and enhance your performance!

Why Sleeping Makes You a Better Athlete, Mentally & Physically
A good night’s sleep contributes to the quality of your day, it affects your mood and health in the long run. Moreover, sleep is essential to good performance in any type of sports. Continue reading to find out why!

Race and Sports
In American culture, race is an important factor in society. Racial stereotypes are also deeply intertwined in sports.

How to Remain Interested in Team Sports
It can be hard to maintain interest in team sports, especially when you feel like your teammates and opponents are better than you. Here is some advice to help you cope with these issues!

Sports Psychology - A South Asian Take
Every South Asian kid has a common complaint against parenting. Want to know how that affects your beloved sports activities and the psychology that comes with it?

Rejection in Sports: Steps To Bounce Back
Rejection: there will not be a single athlete in the world that won’t face this at some point in their careers. Often this can be the making or breaking of them in terms of being successful sportspeople. But how do the elite athletes positively cope with this? Here we take a look at some simple to execute steps that will help young athletes overcome this with maturity.

What Should I do If I’m New At Sports?
“Just start doing sports” sounds easy, but at the end of the day, it’s tough. It becomes more complicated if you have no idea where and how to start. For example, do you know how to keep yourself motivated? These points will be addressed as well as champions golden rules to succeed in sports.