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Hustle - “Never Back Down”
Adam Sandler’s new Netflix movie ‘Hustle’ shows the importance of a strong mentality in professional sports.

The Truth About Taking Time off Sports
The idea of taking time off from sports is often disliked by extremely competitive athletes. However, the key to preventing burnout in athletes is proper rest.

The Power of Composure: From an Athlete’s Perspective
The ability to maintain one’s composure is something that many athletes struggle with. Yet, there is power in staying composed.

5 Things You Can Do to Turn Your Pre-Competition Nerves into Positive Energy
If you tend to get nervous before an important athletic event, you’re not alone. But harnessing a negative mindset and conquering your nerves is essential for your success in a game: here are 5 simple things you can do before any competition to help turn your jitters into positive energy.

Race and Sports
In American culture, race is an important factor in society. Racial stereotypes are also deeply intertwined in sports.

The Interesting Link Between One’s Emotions and One’s Game
Physical performance might be the best bet to conquer sports but ever thought about how your mood and emotions affect the mental side of sports? Get to know the right mood to have in any sport to have the right performance.