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Why Many Athletes Make Great Poker Players (And Vice Versa)
Poker can be a game full of surprises. In the following article, the relationship between this tactical game and the realm of the mind will be explained.

5 Things You Can Do to Turn Your Pre-Competition Nerves into Positive Energy
If you tend to get nervous before an important athletic event, you’re not alone. But harnessing a negative mindset and conquering your nerves is essential for your success in a game: here are 5 simple things you can do before any competition to help turn your jitters into positive energy.

Team Vs. Individual Sports: Here is What You Should Know About Their Impact On Mental Health
Are you a team player or a lone wolf? Whether you can rely on a teammate in team sports or on yourself in an individual sport, the high stakes of any competition have probably influenced your performance as an athlete. But how do these two impact your mental health and wellness differently?