Mind-Design Sports

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5 Tips For Keeping Your Head in the Game

Have you ever struggled to keep your head in the game? Have you ever been distracted or anxious about something outside your control? This blog explores multiple ways to stay focused and be present during fits of stress.

Yes, sports require a lot of physical strength and skill, but if an athlete isn’t in the right headspace, all that strength and skill can go to waste. With screaming spectators and a win on the line, it’s easy for anyone to get lost in their head, and when that happens, an athlete’s performance can lack severely. Therefore, an athlete needs to calm their bodies and their minds.

Consider the following tips if you often find yourself lost in thought during crucial moments.

TAKE A DEEP BREATH. Taking a simple deep breath can be simple but effective. If you feel anxious before a big game, take a moment and breathe. You will lose tension in your body, and your mind will become clearer with each breath. 

COMMIT TO BEING PRESENT. Be aware of where you are and what’s happening. Focus on one thing at a time to avoid overwhelming yourself with scenarios outside your control. Stay in the moment by reminding yourself that was is happening now is all that is important. If you must block out the crowd to quiet your mind, then do it. Be mindful of what you feel, but do not let your feelings consume you.

IGNORE WHAT’S OUT OF YOUR CONTROL. You cannot control what the other team does, you cannot control what the referee decides, and you cannot dictate what your team members do. Instead of obsessing over what you can’t control, accept that it is out of your control and focus on what you can do. Decide for yourself what your next move is.

DON’T OVERTHINK. It makes sense to feel pressure before a big game. You want to impress your friends, family, and potential sponsors. But if you focus too much on whether or not you’ll win or lose, you’ll lose sight of your next move and make mistakes. Don’t obsess over who to impress. Try to remain calm and focus on the game itself. 

LET MISTAKES GO. Mistakes are bound to happen, but don’t let them determine your gameplay. You'll make new mistakes if you get too wrapped up in the mistakes you’ve made. Learn from your mistakes and move forward with a new strategy. Adaptation is key to keeping your head in the game. 

Follow these tips, and you’re bound to notice a significant improvement in your gameplay. Being present can do wonders for how you enjoy life. Whether or not it’s on the field, in the classroom, or the workplace, being present will change you for the better and allow you to appreciate your life. Don’t waste time living in the past or fearing the future when you can be present.